In the NewsNational GeographicJanuary 28, 2021
This single number could reshape our climate future
"The Trump administration revised the social cost of carbon to consider only the U.S. damages arising from U.S. carbon emissions instead of global damages. This, Tamma Carleton of the Climate Impact Lab explains, is a flawed approach, because climate change is intrinsically a global problem, and both U.S. emissions and actions to reduce them affect the world—which in turn affects the U.S. After the U.S. announced its carbon reduction goals under the Paris Agreement, for example, many other countries followed suit. Researchers have calculated that every ton of carbon dioxide the U.S. pledged to avoid emitting resulted in close to seven tons of pledges by other countries."
Read the full article for more insights related to the social cost of carbon from the Lab's Tamma Carleton and other scholars.