DATE: Friday, March 19, 2021
TIME: 2:00pm ET

This event has now passed. You can watch the recording below. 

Tackling climate change is costly, but letting greenhouse gas emissions grow unchecked is even more expensive. The Social Cost of Carbon, or “SCC”, allows us to assess this tradeoff by measuring the monetized damages associated with the release of one ton of CO2. The SCC plays a central role in determining the nature and stringency of climate policy both in the US and abroad, but existing estimates rely on extremely outdated scientific evidence. In this webinar, we will discuss what is needed to bring the SCC back to the scientific frontier, focusing on the importance of big data and data science tools in a modern SCC framework.

Speaker: Dr. Tamma Carleton, Assistant Professor, UCSB

Dr. Tamma Carleton is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her research combines interdisciplinary tools from economics with global datasets and methodologies from remote sensing, data science, and climate science to quantify how environmental change and economic development shape one another. Dr. Carleton is a part of the Climate Impact Lab, an interdisciplinary team conducting an empirically-grounded global assessment of climate change impacts.
