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Study finds NJ is more vulnerable to climate change today than in 2012
A new study by the Rhodium Group takes a look at New Jersey’s resiliency seven years after Superstorm Sandy and paints a bleak image of the state’s environmental future. NJTV News Senior Correspondent David Cruz sat down with one of the study’s co-authors, Lab co-director Robert Kopp, who also is the director of the Rutgers Institute of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, to unpack the study’s findings. “What we’re looking at is how New Jersey’s risk has already changed over the past 40 years due to sea level rise and climate change, and what’s in store for the next 40,” said Kopp. The study finds much of New Jersey is even more vulnerable to climate change now than it was in 2012, when Superstorm Sandy ravaged the state, and that there are roughly 23,000 to 27,000 more New Jersey households at risk of flooding today than there were in 1980.
October 29, 2019