Hot, hotter, hottest: How much will climate change warm your county?
New analysis uses Climate Impact Lab county-level temperature projections to assess how annual warming and extreme heat are expected to change from 2020 to 2040.
New analysis uses Climate Impact Lab county-level temperature projections to assess how annual warming and extreme heat are expected to change from 2020 to 2040.
On a recent really hot day, workers were fixing masonry on the roof of Amir Jina’s building. “And the head contractor said, ‘During the hotter parts of the day, I’m just not going to send out people to work,’” he…
“Groundwater withdrawal is a major reason why Atlantic City is sinking faster than New York City. Can you assume they continue at their current rate for 30 years? Maybe. Can you assume that they can for 100 years? I probably…
How deadly could climate change be? According to research by the Climate Impact Lab, a moderate emissions trajectory, most likely leading to about two degrees of warming by the end of the century, would produce by that time about 40…
What is the social cost of carbon? What can it tell us about the effects of, and the feasibility of policies to cope with, climate change? In this episode of VoxDevTalks, Michael Greenstone with the Climate Impact Lab discusses the…